Sharon Y. Bayantemur
Level: BA
Role: Lab Manager
My research interests include eyewitness memory and jury decision-making. Currently I'm looking at co-eyewitness discussions following a robbery. Using the socially shared retrieval-induced forgetting (SSRIF) paradigm, I'm examining whether the selective nature of the co-eyewitness’s discussion leads to induced forgetting on the part of the speaker and listener and whether this is moderated by in-/out-group membership. I'm also the project lead on two studies extrapolating SSRIF to the context of jury deliberation and its influence on jury decision-making. The first study is examining the moderating role of in-/out-group member on SSRIF and, in turn, verdicts of guilty or not guilty. The second study is examining the specific mnemonic contributions of the deliberation by adding a pre- and post-deliberation condition and a no deliberation condition. The results of these projects will provide greater insights into how the selective nature of discussions can have important implications for our criminal justice system.